The Doggy Storage Bag is exactly what you need to organise things around your house in the most effective way possible.
You need to get one of these for proper division of articles such as clothes, shoes , toys etc which are otherwise just lying scattered around the house and can sometimes be hard to find,
These cute looking sacks are the perfect storage, travel and laundry buddies.
The storage bags are Cotton made for breathable packing and easy looking on the eyes. size means you could fit a lot of stuff into these portable pillow shaped storage bags.
The canvas basket has two handlers for grip positioning and is completely foldable for portable use.
Materials Used:
Cotton Linen fabric composition for strong and expandable storage space. Sufficient for Toy/Clothes/Shoes etc item storage.
Sundries(Toys/Clothes etc)
6 wire strength and sack lock for capping off articles
Square shaped for neat and organised packing