ITO Bindery Notebook Grey A5 Slim
Every individual possesses their own unique way of living, occupation, character, and daily schedule. In the event that you find yourself following the same routine every day, it is possible to overlook crucial words and observations. Consider jotting them down to enable introspection and potentially discover fresh means of articulating yourself.
ITO Bindery Notebook Grey A5 Slim can seamlessly integrate into your everyday routine. There might be days when you jot down numerous entries and other days when you don't write as much. Write down your thoughts daily and document them just as they naturally appear.
The Grey version of ITO Bindery Notebooks uses blank paper.
Handling Instructions
- Exposing the collection to sunlight or strong lighting may cause discolouration, and the sheets may ripple or warp in dry or humid conditions. Please take care when using or storing our collection.
- We recommend storing this collection in a cool, dry area that is not exposed to direct sunlight.